Calories in vs. Calories outThere are literally millions of books and articles written on fitness, weight-loss, diets, and similar topics. Without having to read all of those, you can be well of just with this one equation. Ready to learn some programming? Okay…See if you can decipher what this program means.

def How’s_my_weight(calories in, calories out):
if calories in > calories out:
my_weight = gaining
else if calories in < calories out: my_weight = losing Can you figure it out? Basically if you plugged your calories in and calories out into these variables, the program would tell you if you're losing weight or gaining weight. The simple formula to losing weight is if your calorie in are greater than your calories out, you'll gain. If it's less, you'll lose. It's as simple as that. That being said, you can look in the mirror, and if you're overweight, you can know that there's only one real reason, and only one solution. You've got to get your output more than your intake. One way to do that is to read food labels. Almost all foods have a food label that state how many calories they are. You have to be careful when reading them because they try to trick you. The amount of calories food labels show is for one serving. Yet usually a container of food will have multiple or many servings inside it, so you have to figure in how many servings of that food you ate, and then multiply the displayed calories by how many servings you ate. Keeping track of calories out is a bit harder, but can be done somewhat. You can get a podemeter to figure in walking, and use calorie burn programs on your exercise equipment that shows you how much you burn. A tip for burning extra calories: short bursts of very fast paced and intense workouts actually will burn more calories than long distance endurance workouts. Good luck with this. (Treadmills are excellent for tracking calories burned. Get discounts and reviews on name brand treadmills at Proform Coupons)

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